Listen to Guru BhaktiVedanta Swami (Krishna Bhakti, ISKCON): Download audio Original source and
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Madhudviṣa: "Number eight: Comparing the holy name to material piety."
Prabhupāda: Yes. Now this function is being done. It should not be taken that we are doing something, religious
rituals. No. Religious ritual is different thing. This is... Although it appears like rituals, but it is
transcendental. It is above all kinds of religion. It is postgraduate study. The process is how to develop love of
Godhead. This is above all rel... Religion means, generally, some kind of faith. But it is not the question of
faith. It is actually developing, how much you are loving Kṛṣṇa, or God. So it is above all religions. It is
not ordinary religion. Religion means... Suppose you are Christian, I am Hindu. As soon as this body is finished, my
Christianism or religion, everything is finished. But this love of God will not finish. It will go with you. Any
birth you go, it will develop. If you can finish, then you go directly to Kṛṣṇa, back to Godhead, and finish
your all material connection. Even if you are not able, then it goes with you. Asset. It is... The bank balance will
not be diminished. It will increase. Then?