Self-Realization Fellowship
founded 1920 by ParamaHansa Yogananda.
Sing songs that none have sung,
Think thoughts that ne'er in brain have rung,
Walk in paths that none have trod,
Weep tears as none have shed for God,
Give peace to all to whom none other gave,
Claim him your own who's everywhere disclaimed.
Love all with love that none have felt, and brave
The battle of life with strength unchained.
The Lord created me in His image. I will seek Him first, and make sure of my actual contact with Him; then, if it be His will, may all things -- wisdom, abundance, health -- be added as part of my divine birthright.
I want success without measure, not from earthly sources but from God's all-possessing, all-powerful, all-bountiful hands.
Is there a power that can reveal hidden veins of riches and uncover treasures of which we never dreamed? Is there a force that we can call upon to give health, happiness, and spiritual enlightment? The saint and sages teach that there is such a power. They have demonstrated the efficacy of truth principles that will work for you, too, if you give them a fair trial.
Your success in life does not altogether depend on ability and training; it also depends on your determination to grasp opportunities that are presented to you. Opportunities in life come by creation, not by chance. You yourself, either now or the past (including the past of former lives), have created all opportunities that arise in your path. Since you have earned them, use them to your best advantage.
If you use all available outward means, as well as your natural abilities, to overcome every obstacle in your path, you will thus develop the powers that God gave you -- unlimited powers that flow from the innermost forces of your being. You possess the power of thought and the power of will. Utilize to the uttermost these divine gifts!